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Kelly Lab Diversity Statement

We firmly believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive environment is not only essential but also imperative for the advancement of scientific knowledge and innovation. We embrace diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socioeconomic status, and physical abilities. Our commitment to diversity extends to diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, recognizing that each individual brings unique insights and strengths to our lab.

We understand that a diverse research lab brings forth a multitude of benefits. By cultivating a welcoming and inclusive space, we promote the free exchange of ideas and encourage collaboration among individuals with different viewpoints. This enriches our research endeavors, leading to more comprehensive and well-rounded scientific discoveries. By including individuals from diverse backgrounds, we ensure that our research outcomes address the needs and concerns of a wider range of populations, contributing to the development of more equitable and impactful solutions.

We strive to create an environment that respects and values the contributions of all lab members. We are committed to promoting equal opportunities, treating everyone with dignity and fairness, and eradicating any form of discrimination or bias. We actively seek to eliminate barriers that may hinder the full participation of underrepresented groups in our lab and work towards increasing their representation in science. We encourage collaboration and teamwork among lab members, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and open communication. We value the diversity of ideas, experiences, and perspectives that each member brings, and we actively seek opportunities for cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration.  We recognize the importance of mentorship and provide support to ensure the success and professional growth of all lab members. 

By embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment, we believe that our research lab will thrive with increased creativity, innovation, and excellence. We are committed to continuously evaluating our practices, policies, and programs to ensure that we are meeting our diversity and inclusion goals. We strive to contribute to a future where scientific research is conducted by diverse teams that address the global challenges facing society with empathy, integrity, and collaboration.

Link to Loyola University's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
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